Smart Banka

by MONETA Money Bank



MONETA Money Bank mobile banking

Smart Banka is a free mobile banking app offering fast and simple bank account administration from your phone. It provides clear overview of all your products, account balance, payments, credit top up and branch map. Sign up with PIN or fingerprint, use PIN for payment approval so there is no need to confirm with sms key. Download and use of Smart Banka is free of charge. How to start?Just install the app, follow the guidelines on screen, register your device in the Internet Bank and start using it immediately. Is it safe?Yes, mobile apps breaching is very hard. Sign up to Smart Banka where payments are protected with 4 – 8 digit PIN code that only you know. The communication between Smart Banka and bank server is highly protected & encrypted. What can you find in Smart Banka?• Current balances overview on one screen including your Bene+ rewards• Account movements overview• User profile management (personal, company or eDisponent)• Easy payment entry• Templates and QR code payments• Unprocessed payments and overdue repayments notification• Branch and ATM map with simple deposit ATM filter • Mobile phone credit top up• Immediate temporary card block and unblock • Card limits change• Loan status• Investment products development• Current exchange rates overview• Travel insurance• Minor improvements and bug fixes

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Parádní, byl jsem u čsob a teď se nestačím divit jak věci fungují


Working as it should


Už pěkných pár verzí zpět mi nefungují qr kódy, respektive sdílení z obrázku do appky a export (funkce zaplať mi) qr z appky do jiné (např. messenger). Scan qr v applikaci bez problémů.

Pavel Urban

V pořádku, s aplikací nemám prozatím jediný problém.

Chlebíček se sýrem

Good app for overall banking

Lukáš Szabó


A Google user

Některé nastavení na poprvé je trochu složitější najít, ocenila bych možnost vyhledávání. Jinak super aplikace i s možností tmavého vzhledu.

Kristýna Kučerová

Reliable, fast and user friendly

Renier Arpia

very unintuitive, stupid layout

Filip Svoboda

Jsem maximálně spokojená, až na to, že přestože mám v appce nastavenou češtinu, zčásti "na mě mluví" anglicky. To by chtělo vyladit.

Blanka Mladek Pokorna